
It is an evolutionary stage, a life passage that requires the child to go through it in order to subsequently arrive in the “world” of young adults.

In this passage of life, which lasts approximately from 12 to 18 years, the boys are literally shaken by many complex changes starting from the hormonal one up to the ideological one.

Although the hormonal component is the most natural, it hides very significant secondary implications on a physical level (such as, for example, the change of voice in males and the development of breasts in females), on a psychological level (such as, for example, experiencing new emotions such as depression, typical of this age).

It is this period of life that boys and girls distance themselves ideologically and mentally from the family nucleus to find other examples to follow and from which to seek their own identity, to then return close (if possible) to the initial model of the family. In this period of time the teenager has to come to terms with all the experiences that have not been overcome during childhood and try to overcome them as best as possible without scarring, in fact very often today more than in the past the “teenagers” bring with them a very negative experience which weighs down the person in his long journey.

The family plays a fundamental role in all of this and must be able to support (and bear) the emotional chaos that has been unleashed in the child; the family plays an important role as it is in turn interested in change, because it must itself find its own internal balance, which is why the whole structure should be reviewed and modulated again.

Currently, adolescents, unlike years ago, find themselves managing various identities, the most important being the corporal one (since the body mediates between them and the world), the social one (since it varies according to the role intends to assume in a certain context) and that of the network (a new type of identity that parents are unable to grasp in all its nuances as they never had one during their adolescence, this identity becomes fluid and multiple throughout within the web, it would have very strong effects also “off-line”). Among these, it seems that the network identity is the most significant for new adolescents, which unfortunately, if attacked directly or indirectly, could lead to behaviors that are even harmful to the person.

Within this context, the Psychologist presents himself as a reference figure for the family on the one hand and for the adolescent on the other, as both need constant support to find balance and a new definition of themselves.